Project Name: Aquavator
Project Location: Los Angeles and Orange County, CA
The Aquavator project was for the design of a free standing exhibit for the DiscoveryCube locations in Los Angeles and Orange County California. One of the main components of AUE’s design was to ensure the structure was sufficient to carry the load of several large bubble walls monitors that projected a simulation of descending through the depths of the earth’s crust into the city’s aquifer. The design for this project posed several challenges. Requirements dictated that this be a completely free standing structure with no anchorage to the ceiling or walls, which required all lateral and gravity loads to be carried by the exhibit structure. The structure also had to be sturdy enough to hold a large operating cable wheel and it’s engine on the roof of the structure. Finally, while meeting these requirements the structural components had to be sized for shipping across the country from where they were originally fabricated and assembled.
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